
was hiding in waiting for me. to pass.I wasn't mad anymore.
.1 told her seated face, that we had to get back -to the soccer game before it was: over.She thought I was gonna kill her if she. gat within two feet of her.She was right,for a while.
We got back to. the stadium just in time to not-be considered late: for the. end of the game."We both stood in the streets for - a few seconds thay seemed like, hours.I pictured myself as malestic in the moonlight.I didn’t care what he looked lie. He was standing behind me waiting for me to say something*.
"I never told anyone about this in my life,I never even wrote it down on paper,and I write everything down on paper.I completely erased it from my mind fair fifteen years.Fifteen fuckin’ years..........I ’m fuckin ’ sorry I never believed you before.I guess we were never real, friends,were we?"
v "What do: I mean? I mean that if we we re ever real friends, we'd have trust in each other,and we don’ t.Friends don't distrust eadher*. ,.Keither one of us believed each other.Par fifteen years we had doubts, about eachother.1 never had doubts about Linda or Don or anyone else.Why did I doubt .you? Why was I so stupid?Why were we so stupid?"
"You knew me,,and I knew you...Better then anyone on this, earth we knew each other.Isn* t that reason enough?You didn' t really know anyone else except. Paula Dixon,and look at how much you. distrusted her.The greatest comparison of all could be the. doubts we have in. our own God.We know him,but we'll never quit discovering, him.The more you know Him,the more you. distrust him.That*s true too.I remember I never trusted my mother to. stick a pin an my shift,I was always afraid she’d tear my tit off.Look at how: well I know her and I couldn’t stand her stickin' pins- on my shirt*.I could always put up with someone I didn't know putting a pin on my shirt, but why would a total stranger tear my tit off. ?I know you like the back of my hand and I don’t trust the ground you
walk. on.What do you think of that?"
- Author
- mark thomas